I love summertime! There's just so much to learn out in the world, when nature is busy and buzzing and alive! Don't get me wrong, I love winter, as well...there's a whole different energy and life to explore and enjoy...but I love being able to run my hands through the dirt and really commune with the earth in the Spring/Summer. Growing some of our own food is so cool and I love to see little hands gently placing plants and seeds into the earth, then covering them with dirt, anticipating growth.
As I see other kids, wrapping up their school year, I'm struck by this separation that our society has created. We've compartmentalized learning. During the Fall/Winter/early-Spring you are in school, learning and shut off from the world outside. Then, in the Summer, the kids celebrate because they aren't required to learn anymore for a few months and the parents moan because their kids will be home and "what the heck will i do with them for 3 months?" It's all so freaky to me!
Then I look at my home & family and I see kids who just continue living, all the time, they flow with the cycles and seasons and just experience learning throughout the whole year. There's no "now is time to learn" and "now we stop learning." There's no requirement to learn, there's no separation between living, learning, and playing. It's never "time to play" or "time to do school." I'm so so so grateful for this life we live! I love the natural rythyms that just happen! I love that my kids go through very natural cycles; at times they appear to be doing "nothing" (even though we all know that's not true) and then at other times they are engrossed in a project or "school-like" subject for days on end. And it's all because THEY WANT TO!
It all just makes sense. Not just with learning, but as a whole lifestyle. We eat when we're hungry...not by the clock or according to some arbitrary schedule. We sleep when we're tired. We learn all the time!
:::sigh::: I love my life. :)
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